Welcome Time
Children can join preschool between 8.45am-9.15am. Staff greet children at the top of the ramp and help children self register and join group activities.
Key Group Time
Children join their key person to share news and feelings, talk about the day ahead and take part in small group activities.
Free Play/
Outside Play
Children play, learn and explore with resources and equipment, building friendships and engaging in a range of activities both adult and child led.
We visit the local community daily, watching seasons change, exploring and gaining understanding of wildlife and planting and growing in our community space.
Singing /
Story Time
We end each session sharing stories or singing a range of songs. Children choose their favourite songs and stories to share and gain confidence sharing their own stories/songs with the group.
Lunch Time
Children and staff sit together using lunch time to talk about the morning and plan for the afternoon.
Free Play
Children choose where they want to learn, play and explore. Children share their own ideas, knowledge and interests, playing together, joining child led and adult led activities planned around the EYFS framework, child's interests and past learning.
. Role play
. Craft resources
. Mark making
. Natural resources
. Physical area
. Construction
Big Play
Free play equipment is moved to make room for big play time, scooters, obstacle course, yoga, parachute etc.
Singing Time
Children come back together to share experiences from the day and sing their favourite songs.
Home Time
Children can be collected from 3.15pm-3.45pm (3.15pm Thurs). Staff will bring children outside to be collected from the top of the ramp. All the children work together to clear the hall.